Do you hate having to find each individual Element and clicking "Detach" a thousand times? This script fixes that.
- MAXScript > New Script.
- Copy / Paste the text below into the blank page.
- Press Control +A to select all of the text.
- Left-Mouse click and drag this into your custom Toolbar.
- To rename your button / change the icon, Right Click the button > Edit Button Appearance...
- To use - Select your mesh, and press the tool button and then press Detach! which will break all of your elements back into individual objects.
- Rejoice and be glad.
rollout rolTest "Detach Elems"
button btRun "Detach!" width:90 align:#center offset:[0, -2]
function detachToNodes oPoly =
if (classOf oPoly != Editable_Poly) then
throw "Wrong input in function: detachToNodes()"
local iNumFacesLastElem = 0
local baElemFaces = #{}
local sName = ""
while (true) do
baElemFaces = polyOp.getElementsUsingFace oPoly 1
sName = uniqueName
polyOp.detachFaces oPoly baElemFaces delete:true asNode:true name:sName
if ((polyOp.getNumFaces oPoly) == 0) then
delete oPoly
if (keyboard.escPressed == true) do
throw "** escape key pressed **"
on btRun pressed do
local currSel = selection as Array
for obj in currSel do
if ((classOf obj) == Editable_Poly) then
detachToNodes obj
) -- End Rollout
createDialog rolTest 96 27 style:#(#style_toolwindow, #style_border, #style_sysmenu)
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